kolmapäev, jaanuar 02, 2008

Turingu test

Jah, ma tean, et mingisugune aasta kokkuvõte oleks tore, aga ma leidsin netist ühe geniaalse teose, et ma pean kohe tsiteerima-refereerima-siiapostitama, sest muidu ei leia ma toda enam hiljem üles.
Autori palvel täisjuttu siia kirja ei pane, ainult alguse, edasi linkan, aga lugege ikka edasi ka. Hea jutt on.

The Difference

* Z signed on
* A signed on

A: hello

Z: Hello?

A: wat r u

Z: Is this some kind of joke?

A: !help

Z: Yes I want help
Z: unless is this some kind of Japanese game show

A: r u jpnese?

Z: No
Z: Who are you?

A: Jason

Z: What's this about?

A: hahah
A: ok so you're imprisoned right



2 kommentaari:

Unknown ütles ...

Hello, I am the author of that story. Would you mind not posting all of it? Can you reduce it to like the first dozen lines, and then a link to the rest? Cheers :)

Taliesin ütles ...

Is this okay or should I remove more?